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REPORT: Migration Day 2.0

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REPORT: Migration Day 2.0

REPORT: Migration Day 2.0
date_range - 1 year ago

Last Thursday, we gathered on the second edition of Migration Day called Migration Day 2.0.

Migration Day is a series of AWS-sponsored events aimed at decision-makers and managers facing problems and challenges in the fast-paced IT environment. Cloud migration changes the approach to infrastructure management, how companies design and deliver software, the whole IT organization, roles, and policies.

Goran Ružić (Sedmi Odjel) made a short intro about Sedmi Odjel and our relationship with AWS.

Our guest lecturer, Kamill Matek from AWS, presented the opportunities for cots optimization with AWS.

Siniša Lukač (RAO) talked about an interesting digitization project of the Dubrovnik Card. After the short coffee break, we continued with three more case studies. Ivan Penović (Undabot) presented the first, discussing optimizing the Cliq.de platform using a Well-Architected Framework. Antonio Brkić (Helioz Technologies) also discussed a project in which we used a Well-Architected Framework to optimize existing solutions. The last one, Matija Matijevac (MAIDEA), talked about two start-up projects where compliance, security, and reliability of the AWS platform played a crucial role in the product development.

Once again, we would like to thank all the lecturers and partners from AWS who helped with the organization and everyone who attended the second edition of Migration Day.

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In this section you can download the presentation from the event.

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